When I was 7 years old, in 1979, I had this really strange experience one night. I was asleep in my room (which I shared with my 4 year old brother) and I was awakened by a knocking sound coming from the wall that seperated my bedroom from the kitchen. It was a series of 3 knocks, a short pause, 3 more knocks, etc.
It stopped when I went into the kitchen to see what was going on. There was nobody in the kitchen (we had no pets) so I went to my sister's room and then to my mother's, both were sleeping soundly.
I went back into my room and hopped back into my bed, which was the top bunk of a set of bunk-beds. No more than 2 minutes passes and I start to hear the knocking again. This time I leap from my bed and dart into the kitchen to find nothing. I'm starting to think that my sister is playing tricks on me so on my way back to my room, I turn the hall light on. From my bunk, I can see (with the bedroom door open) all the way down the short hallway. Where the hallway turns, there is a laundry nook containing a washer and dryer, and in front of it was a pile of clothing.
I get back in bed and the knocking starts again, at this point I'm staring down the hallway to see if I can see my sister come out of, or go into her room. Nothing.
Meanwhile, my brother has awakened and asked me what's going on in the kitchen. I told him that mom was getting some water, as not to scare him.
Then it happens.
Something over near the pile of laundry catches my eye, I look, nothing. I start to look away, and there it is again. Something small moves in the corner of my eye. The interesting thing is, the knocking had stopped temporarily.
This goes on for about 15 minutes until I finally get really freaked and turn the hall light off and bury my face in my pillow and the knocking resumes. I wrapped my head in my pillow and cried myself to sleep. I was terrified.
I never told my family about this. I thought it may have been some type of poltergeist. Later I just tried to forget it, which I couldn't, so I just chalked it up to childish nonsense. I'm glad that I finally know that others have had similar experiences. That was the only unexplainable experience I've ever had in my life. There have been no recurrences.
Thank you for hearing me out.
There's a parallel between the knocks and beings seen through the corner of the eye and, unusually, the supernatural and spirit worlds described in mythology and more recently by paranormal investigators. In many cases, "ghosts" are reported as being seen through the corner of the eye before they appear; as are UFOs and many types of alien manifestations. The knocks reported are also attributed, as said in the above document, to poltergeists and spirits of various types, in addition to aliens before abduction experiences. Knocks of these types before abductions are visible in many books on the subject (Whitley Strieber's and Budd Hopkin's most obviously).
These symptoms also point to the possibilty that, as many contactees have reported, the aliens are of a "different density" than humans, and must shift their "density" to become visible and to act on the physical world. This also supports the extradimensionality theory set forth by a number of contactees, and by most prominently Jaques Vallee. As said elsewhere on your site, the corner-of-the-eye viewings seem to be the aliens (or spirits, whichever you wish to believe) as they shift into our "density" or our dimension in space-time. -- Cliff
Would you be interested in doing a research article, of a technical nature, on what makes our peripheral vision different and susceptible to 'visitors' from other densities? There's got to be something physicaly different in the structure of the eye itself? Who knows where this might lead?-- Editor
I'd be happy too... Something I noticed: the outside of the retina (which sees the visions present in the corners of the eye) suffers a loss in clarity but an increase in frequency and spectral response; the flickering of computer monitors and florescent lights is much more visible through the corner of the eye than it is otherwise. Also, the spectral response is increased; some can actually see infrared and UV rays through the corner of their eyes (I being one).
Hope I was of some help. --Cliff L. Biffle [Re: Story28.htm]
Thanks for the input, Cliff. Yes, the 'density' theory is probably the closest to the truth, our best guess at the present time. It must also be remembered that the 'visitors' can shift shapes, and take on a form that is most recognizable to the period in history in which they are seen. For example, we are seeing UFOs and 'aliens' today, but back in the late 1800s and early 1900s the form reported was "airships". The recent TV movie, 'Gulliver's Travels', the 'airship' was shown as a "floating island", the best description of the phenomona that the author of this classic tale could come up with at the time. From earliest recorded history these 'beings' have been seen, and only time will tell what they really are? -- Editor